K is 5 1/2 months old, or exactly 24 weeks 3 days old! Do you know what this means? Wonder Week 26 is upon us. If you know anything about the wonder weeks, they are developmental growth spurts or "leaps". It's when they developmentally something changes in their world and they are about to learn new things. This one is called "The World of Relationships". According to the book I have "The Wonder Weeks" by Hetty van de Rijt Ph.D and Frans Plooij Ph.D all wonder weeks have a few things in common, when your baby growth through a leap, they can tend to be more fussy, clingy, cry more, sleep less, or sleep more, their feeding may be off (increased or decreased), less or more vocal, more shy etc. People often times are thrown off by their baby's sudden mood changes. It can be VERY frustrating. But when you know what is going on, it REALLY helps because then you know your baby is just going through a rough patch and it WILL get better. You know it's not you. You know they aren't sick either. This wonder week is where they learn more about distances between one thing and another. I think this is why the separation anxiety is a BIG deal during this wonder week. Suddenly K know when I've left the room and cries loudly. She knows when someone takes her from mommy and moves away where she can't see me. She wants to be near me. All the time. She wants me holding her, or keeping her busy. She gets bored easily too. Some days are better than others.
On top of that, there is the teething. K has had off and on teething symptoms now for a few months. I bought a Baltic Amber necklace from Inspired by Finn hoping it would help her teething symptoms. I think she was going through wonder week 19 at the time and suddenly it got better, right before I received the necklace. I think her teething symptoms went away too so I couldn't tell for sure if the necklace was helping or not because their was enough other changes that I wasn't sure. BUT she is having teething symptoms again and it DOES seem better this time around than last bout of teething symptoms. She isn't refusing to nurse like before. THAT was super frustrating. She is still drooling a ton and chewing on things, but generally ok, other than not wanting me to put her down or leave her for any amount of time.
The other issue we are having is eczema. She had one teeny tiny spot of it on her chest at her 4 month mark. I asked her pedi about it and he said it was numullar eczema which I'd already figured out but he verified it. He said there wasn't anything to do for it, no reason to be concerned. Um, yeah... it's gotten worse. The teeny tiny spot that was the size of a pencil eraser grew to the size of a quarter or a bit larger. It got more red too. Then she developed a spot on her arm, then one on her bottom. I started using coconut oil on it and FINALLY it started getting better. It is not all gone though. In fact she has MORE spots. She has one on her neck and I am pretty sure she has it across her nose, teeny tiny rashy bumps. Maybe that's why she constantly rubs her nose and then gets aggravated. Then yesterday she developed this awful looking spot on her upper leg/thigh in her diaper area. It is somewhat better but still there and awful looking.
I really am trying to figure out what is going on, whether it is diet related, or environmental. I have some eczema on my hands too, it is very mild and I have had it before in the winter but not like hers. She is 100% breastfed but I have read that eczema could be related to a dairy sensitivity and I may need to cut out dairy.
I also read about Hazelwood necklaces helping. I think I might try one of those to see if it helps in the mean time.