Here is my long awaited review of the necklace we ordered from Inspired by Finn. I ordered a hazelwood necklace for K in hopes that it would help with her eczema. Honestly I was really hoping it would but I couldn't see much difference. She wore it all day and at night I always take it off and double it around and put it on her ankle. I was a bit worried that it might scratch her neck because the little wood pieces weren't completely smooth. It didn't seem to ever scratch her though. Most of her eczema was around her neck and although it looked a little better after a week, it never got much better or went away. I had started putting coconut oil on her neck at night so I think that actually might have helped more than the hazelwood but I am not for sure. I have done a bit of research on eczema though and found out that often times it is caused by an underlying allergy. Dairy/soy are the most common allergens to babies. So since K is breastfed I decided to cut out dairy in my diet to see if it would help. She was also having ALOT of spit-up issues. After about 1-2 weeks of no dairy her face and neck has dramatically improved and she is hardly spitting up any more! I am excited because MAYBE this was the cause of the eczema all along! There have been a few days where she still had some bad spit up issues, but it's usually been after I've had a tiny bit of dairy hidden in one of the foods I've eaten. Then she'll go days with hardly any spit up. Her neck is really clearing up. I didn't realize her face looked so bad till I was going through some pictures that I had taken just before going 100% dairy free and saw her little face, with red spots and irration. Most of that has completely cleared up. I can tell she still has a few rash spots that flair up occasionally but they are MUCH MUCH better.
As for teething.. she now has 2 bottom teeth. I think she is working on the top ones now. This week has been rough. She cries alot and wants to nurse but then it hurts too much to do so. My mom got her a teething anklet which I hadn't been using consistently but decided to put back on her. After wearing it for the last day and half she has been MUCH better. Maybe I need to head on over to Inspired by Finn and order her another necklace. I had ordered one before but I am not sure if doesn't work as well because of the color or what. The anklet she has is butter colored. The necklace is honey. They say the lighter the color the better it works. So maybe I need to try a lighter color necklace!
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