Monday, November 03, 2008


2008 is almost over but here are a few poinent things to remember...

Ryan and I have been married for 4 years now.
All the girls I worked with have left and after 2 years I have seniority at my job... ugh
I realized I really don't want to be a CMA for the rest of my life.
I decided I am going to be a children's writer and illustrator.
Nov 2nd gas was 1.99$ (it was 3.99 this summer)
The temp was in the 70's Nov 3rd.
My sister has gotten engaged and is getting married next year.
I am almost 27.
I have more "friends" now than I probably have ever had in my life, but I still don't have many.
Somehow, the seasons are more vivid as I get older. Fall is beautiful this year.